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Joe and Sephs

Stand: 1920
Joe and Sephs

Welcome to the world of Joe & Seph’s – a family-run business obsessed with all things popcorn! 

Born in 2010 on a mission to shake up the UK popcorn scene, Joseph and his family embarked on their journey to recreate the great-tasting popcorn that the whole family had fallen in love with while on trips to America.

After many late nights in their family kitchen, trialling and testing different flavour combinations, they finally cracked it – high quality ingredients, full-on indulgence and the best-tasting popcorn this side of the pond.  Joe & Seph’s now have a range of over 50 innovative gourmet popcorn flavours, plus a wide range of other confectionary offerings such as award-winning caramel sauces and Belgian chocolate truffles.

Having won 96 Great Taste awards, quality remains a constant in everything they do. Their small team of skilled pastry chefs will only ever use all-natural ingredients and produce every batch of popcorn by hand. Air-popped not fried, all Joe & Seph’s products use extra-large mushroom kernels, ensuring a superior taste and texture. They never use artificial flavours or preservatives, and all their products are made using the highest quality ingredients, locally sourced where possible.


United Kingdom
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